Day 1 Hike
6 miles along a stream, pine trees and cows
Pristine, vibrant, purifying
Dance of Energy Channels through Body (internal waves or external winds)
How can I let the dance move through me organically, naturally without force?
I encounter doubt. My body feels foreign, tight and held.
Is this really day one? I can’t tell yet how I feel. Yet.
The trees, the birds, the winds brush through me, I swallow them with my eyes
Haven’t felt hungry in days so much to take in
The sun is hidden but when she peaks through she is vibrant and alive
Full of a fiery yet loving force.
They whisper. I can’t hear them too well yet. Can’t make out most of their speech
Girl from the volcano, we understand your fiery ways. Hold on. Hold on.
The dance is the body’s birthright; it’s where earth moves body, fire and water and wind too.
Let the directions move you to them.
Let the motion come to you like a wave or a strong breeze, it will come.
The dance is
Feet or hands on ground.
Let energy currents move through and around.
The dance is
Thought through the toes and fingers.
The mind of the dance is pulse, is feeling, is quiet touch.
It is a meeting place of worlds and times.
It is a meeting place of this space with me.
It is a meeting place of an unknown understanding, a mysterious connection.
Words and thoughts can’t quite name it. It isn’t for naming.
It isn’t for displaying.
But it is for you.
Like a gentle stream is continues and it will carry you along If you let it.
Hold on. Hold on.
At times, the stream might feel like it has disappeared.
It is in these moments to trust its current even more.
Drink it with your eyes even when the image is just inside.
Especially then, hold on.
And be held in.
Every beginning is an end and every movement comes from a stillness
Drink in the mute knowing
It isn’t for displaying.
But it is for you,
Like a gentle stream is continues and it will carry you along If you let it.
Hold on. Hold on.
Every beginning is an end and every movement comes from a stillness.
Drink in the mute knowing.
Let it stay awhile.
