Benthic Light
Benthic Light
Art Commons Gallery, UCSD March 16, 2017
multi-media installation and performance with audio-visual score
1 hour duration, dimensions variable.
“…space is not a lethargic and passive expanse supported by a Cartesian endoskeleton.
It is rather a realm of coiled tension, laden with energy…”
– Vilem Flusser in Vampyroteuthis Infernalis
Benthic Light, 2017, is a collaborative multi-media installation, performance, and audio-visual score. The work features movement by Aurora Lagattuta, sound by Elisabet Curbelo-Gonzalez, and visuals by Maya VanderSchuit. Benthic Light uses a loose narrative structure and improvisational score to create a mythic, marine dreamworld. It explores human and octopi phenomenologies in relationship to the natural world and the fluid boundaries of screen space. Choreography responds to audio-visual elements that are simultaneously urban and organic, digital and real-time, humanoid and animal.