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EVA stands for
Eco Visceral Awareness
is the name of
my great grandmother
Meet EVA...
She already lives in and around you.
She is both you and your environment.
B/c as within, so without.
She is an acronym for Eco Visceral Awareness
...aka your feelings
the ones that are you and also are nature. b/c you are nature.
She is also the name of my great grandmother EVA: a woman who knew her power.
She reminds me that it's time to know/feel/dance our power.
It does not need to be hard or even a lot of work
it does not even need to be a lot of time.
So here is a page for you and for me.
It is audios that I do and you can do to rekindle, spark and ignite that flame that is your earth dance.
b/c dancing can transform our relationship with earth.
EVA is the kind of dancing you don't need training for b/c she lives in the natural pulse of your body
She is the dance you do when no one is watching.
She has EMBODIED intentions, RITUALS and feelings FELT and moved through us that can and do transform our relationship with EARTH
b/c we are Earth
and yes, earth is going through some radical changes right now.
Are you feeling it?!
I am.
and that is why I am dancing and sharing my dance.
This your invitation to join me/EVA/us.
Say yes with your dance.
Because it is time to DANCE HER BACK.
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