I am really exciting to presenting at this conference: EVA , a water ritual.

I am presenting at the ISMETA 2021 Online Conference March 3-7, 2021.
I will be leading EVA, an embodied water ritual
with original sound composition by Kevin Zhang.
For more info and to sign up go here.
EVA: An Embodied Ritual to Transform Our Relationship With Place
As without, so within...
EVA or Eco-Visceral Awareness is a participatory experience that re-weaves one’s somatic relationship with place. The EVA experience provides participants with simple yet imaginative audio instructions that lead one on a corporeal journey with their body and the space that they are inhabiting. Over the course of 20 minutes, participants co-create a dance that is a kind of modern-day community-made ritual. Participants move together to transform the energy in their shared space. EVA aspires to leave participants with creative and playful somatic approaches that clear, heal and mend our relationships with the everyday places that we live within.
EVA has been created with diverse communities in Spain, the U.S.A., Japan and New Zealand at sacred sites, burial grounds, near toxic waste dumps, in backyards and in classrooms. The performance is intended for participants of all movement backgrounds, experiences and ages. Made by and with communities, EVA empowers participants to experience their movement as a catalyst for social-environmental change.