hOlie luna
June 16 & 17th, 2017 at 8:30pm
Highways Performance Space
1651 18th St. Santa Monica, CA 90404
hOlie luna is an intimate and ethereal dance theatre performance that negotiates the relationships between togetherness and aloneness, lunacy and magic, wholeness and “holie-ness.” Humorous and delicate, this work fantastically re-imagines the lives of four very peculiar and melancholy moons. The performance whimsically weaves detailed dancing and poetic storytelling with an intricate live vocal and sound score. hOlie luna is heartbreakingly silly and vulnerable as it searches for a kind of connection that is not exclusive, dictatorial or fragmented, but rather a resource that is yours, mine, and ours: invisible but felt, gentle as the breath, and articulate like music.
This original new work is conceived, written, and choreographed by Aurora Lagattuta in collaboration with music composition by Celeste Oram. hOlie luna is performed by vocalist, Lauren Jones, pianist, Mari Kawamura, and dancers, Ian Isles and Aurora Lagattuta. This work also features an art installation by Grace Mae Huddleston that will evoke simple yet poetic interactions with the audience prior to the dance performance.